$20 Stella Mismas - Last Man Standing
$5 Jerry Stepnicka - First to loose a wrestler
$5 Dave LeGates - First to loose all four wrestlers
$5 Doug Andrassy - Wrestler #13
$5 Jerry Stepnicka - Wrestler who eliminated Wrestler #13
The Match
C.M. Punk - Buzz Schafer
As Punk waited to see who drew no. 2, The Core walked out to the ring and surrounded Punk. They went after Punk in a five-on-one attack. The rest of the New Nexus ran out and joined in the brawl. The G.M. chimed in. Announcer
Michael Cole stepped up to the podium and called for everyone's attention. He said the G.M. was ordering them to stop. Everyone stopped fighting after a few seconds. Cole said the G.M. declared that everyone other than Punk must return to the locker room immediately, and failure to comply would disqualify them from the Rumble. Everyone but Punk left.