Results from last night's
@aiwrestling #GFTG10 event at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School in Cleveland Ohio -
all AIW wrestling blog posts.
- Flip Kendrick pinned Eric Ryan in a six-pack scramble match also including Nikki Storm, Tyler Thomas, "Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams and Tyson Dux. The finish came when Williams had Ryan on his shoulders and Kendrick hit Ryan with a hurricanrana.
- Alexia Nicole defeated Jasmin after hitting a Stone Cold Stunner from a wheelbarrow.
Afterward, the two ladies hugged and returned to the locker room together.
- To Infinity And Beyond (Colin Delaney & Cheech) defeated AIW Tag Team Champions The Forgotten (Jimmy Jacobs & BJ Whitmer) to win the titles when Cheech hit Jacobs with a powerbomb that set up Delaney to hit the Larry Sweeney "12 Large Elbow" from the top rope and score the pinfall victory.
Afterward, Jacobs thanked the crowd and put over independent wrestling. Jacobs is rumored to be joining WWE as a Creative Writer.