Results from last night's
@aiwrestling #ABSO10 event at the Ohio City Masonic Arts Center in Cleveland Ohio -
all AIW wrestling blog posts.
- The Iron Curtain (Gregory Iron, Jerry, Benjamin Boone and Joey Vincent Martini) defeated The Singh Warriors (Joshua Singh, Ryan Kaplan, Frankie Flynn and Brian Carson) when Iron pinned Singh with a cradle after Singh hit the 450 splash on Boone.
- Athena pinned AIW Womens Champion Veda Scott to win the title after hitting the O-Face.
- AIW Intense Champion Davey Vega beat BJ Whitmer after hitting a double stomp off the top rope Whitmer's chest while hanging in the tree of woe.
- Ethan Page beat Eddie Kingston (with The Duke) in an "I Quit" match when Page stuffed a bale of barbed wire into Kingston's face.