The main event was AIW Absolute Champion Josh Prohibition defending the title against "Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams.
- Shawn Shultz won a fatal-four way match against Flip Kendrick, Facade and Lucky tHURTeen when Façade hit tHURTeen with a Canadian Destroyer on the ring apron and Schultz stole the pinfall.
- PB Smooth pinned Kaplan after hitting a chokebomb
Up next was a scheduled match between Britt Baker and Swoggle when Dedication Personified (Dr. Daniel C. Rockingham and Brian Carson) attacked Baker. Space Justice (Space Monkey and Dick Justice) made the save. From there, AIW President Matt Wadsworth sent a text message to ring announcer Steve Guy changing the match to a 4 man, 1 woman, 1 animal match which led to ....