- Flip Kendrick pinned Eric Ryan in a six-pack scramble match also including Nikki Storm, Tyler Thomas, "Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams and Tyson Dux. The finish came when Williams had Ryan on his shoulders and Kendrick hit Ryan with a hurricanrana.
- Alexia Nicole defeated Jasmin after hitting a Stone Cold Stunner from a wheelbarrow.
Afterward, the two ladies hugged and returned to the locker room together.
- To Infinity And Beyond (Colin Delaney & Cheech) defeated AIW Tag Team Champions The Forgotten (Jimmy Jacobs & BJ Whitmer) to win the titles when Cheech hit Jacobs with a powerbomb that set up Delaney to hit the Larry Sweeney "12 Large Elbow" from the top rope and score the pinfall victory.
Afterward, Jacobs thanked the crowd and put over independent wrestling. Jacobs is rumored to be joining WWE as a Creative Writer.
- AIW Intense Champion Davey Vega pinned Louis Lyndon after hitting a Falcon Arrow in a fatal four-way match also including Chris Sabin and Candice LeRae.
- Raymond Rowe defeated Johnny Gargano after hitting the Death Rowe full nelson into a knee lift to the head.
- 2 Cold Scorpio beat Rickey Shane Page after landing a moonsault double stomp to the chest.
- AIW Absolute Champion Josh Alexander (with Veda Scott) pinned Dick Justice after repeated kicks and elbows to the face.
- Rickey Shane Page (RSP) won the 30 Man "Gauntlet For The Gold 10" Main Event and securing a title shot against the AIW Absolute Champion in the main event of Absolution 10. RSP was the 10th entrant in the match last eliminating Eddie Kingston.
Order of Appearance:
- Marion Fontaine
- Nikki Storm
- Alessandro Del Bruno at 1:09
- Alex Daniels at 3:00
- Abe "Action" Jackson at 4:30
- Raymond Rowe at 6:00
- Jerry at 7:30
- Bobby Beverly at 9:00
- Tyler Thomas at 10:30
- Rickey Shane Page at 12:00
- BJ Whitmer at 13:30
- Johnny Gargano at 15:00
- Flip Kendrick at 16:30
- Josh Prohibition at 18:00
- Tyson Dux at 19:30
- Davey Vega at 21:00
- Chris Sabin at 22:30
- Benjamin Boone at 24:00
- Joshua Singh at 25:30
- Gregory Iron at 27:00
- Façade at 28:30
- "Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams at 30:00
- Colin Delaney at 31:30
- Candice LeRae at 33:00
- Cheech at 34:30
- Ethan Page at 36:00
- "Mr RBI" Izeah Bonds at 37:30
- Louis Lyndon at 39:00
- Eric Ryan at 40:30
- Eddie Kingston at 42:00
Order of Elimination:- Alessandro Del Bruno by Rowe
- Abe Jackson by Rowe
- Nikki Storm by Rowe
- Alex Daniels by Rowe
- Tyler Thomas by RSP
- Jerry by RSP
- Bobby Beverly by RSP
- Johnny Gargano by Rowe
- Raymond Rowe by Prohibition
- Josh Prohibition chose to eliminate himself and continue the fight against Raymond Rowe.
- Davey Vega by Sabin
- Greg Iron by Singh
- Joshua Singh by Iron
- Flip Kendrick by Whitmer
- Boone by Williams
- Chris Sabin by Williams
- Façade by LeRae
- "Mr RBI" Izeah Bonds by Whitmer. Bonds was eliminated seconds after entering.
- Candice LeRae by Lyndon
- Marion Fontaine by Kingston. At over 43 minutes, Fontaine was in the match the longest of any wrestler.
- Tyson Dux by Kingston
- "Hot Sauce" Tracey Williams by Whitmer
- Cheech by Kingston
- Eric Ryan
- Louis Lyndon by Page
- Colin Delaney by Whitmer
- BJ Whitmer by RSP
Kingston was thrown over the top rope by Page and RSP. However, neither referee Tom Dunn and Dave "the Potato" Dawson noticed it and Kingston was allow to re-enter and continue.
- Ethan Page by Kingston. Page was thrown through the ropes, not over the top rope. However, referees Dunna and Dawson ruled Page was eliminated.
- Eddie Kingston by RSP at 50:36
- 12/11/2005 Michael Hutter aka Ethan Carter III
- 12/17/2006 Raymond Rowe
- 2/24/2008 Sterling James Keenan aka Corey Graves
- 2/28/2009 Jimmy DeMarco
- 2/19/2010 Facade, Johnny Gargano, Sterling James Keenan, and Tommy Mercer
- 2/18/2011 Tim Donst
- 3/02/2012 Johnny Gargano
- 3/29/2013 Colin Delaney
- 3/14/2014 Tim Donst
- 3/20/2015 Rickey Shane Page
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Agent Aaron Bauer predicts the #GFTG10 winner. |
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Jimmy Jacobs thanks the fans after possibly his last AIW appearance. |
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2 Cold Scorpio shakes Rickey Shane Page's hand after their match. |
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Nikki Storm gives Marion Fontaine the cold shoulder as the two start #GFTG10 |
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Rickey Shane Page eliminates Eddie Kingston to win #GFTG10 |
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Agent Aaron Bauer and Jerry Stepnicka give best wishes to Tim Donst. |
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Not booked but Tim Donst is not forgotten #CancerFearsDonst Images courtesy of @OhioReport |
Opening Bout AIW runs a six-pack scramble match every card. The hit here is the great action including the finish when Eric Ryan took a tremendous bump and did a great job selling it.
The trouble with having this match to start the show is this contest featured five male babyfaces and one heel female who isn't booked very often. It's tough for the crowd to clearly cheer the babyface and boo the heel. More later.
Candice LeRae She made her AIW debut last September and I heard the cupcakes she sold at the merchandise table were to die for.
This hit is for the fact that this woman is incredibly petite and tough as nails. She executed a dangerous flying head scissors on Louis Lyndon on the floor. Her head hit the concrete floor with a sickening thud less than five feet from me. I thought the officials would have to call 911. Even the other wrestlers weren't sure how to react. Not only did LeRae eventually recover and finish the match she executed subsequent high spots AND took a triple-superkick from the other three wrestlers. She eventually competed in the main event so I felt better about her condition.
There are a lot of diva wrestlers out there who are eye candy, Candice LeRae is not one of them, she can bring it.
2 Cold Scorpio I don't necessarily need to see a legend act at every wrestling show. Having a younger current roster member job to an old-timer just isn't good for long-time business (see last month's I Choo-Choo Choose You show). This is an exception.
I don't know how often Scorpio is booked but he stills performs the same moves as he did 20 years ago. It's incredibly impressive seeing a guy who will turn 50 in October perform top rope leg drops, corkscrews and planchas like a guy two decades younger. Rickey Shane Page suffers nothing by taking the loss especially since he won the main event later in the night.
Josh Alexander This match was the perfect first title defense for Alexander. After months of being a tweener, he is starting to own the heel bully character. He was arrogant and his advisor Veda Scott cheated to give Alexander an advantage. The opponent, Dick Justice, is a popular mid-card babyface comedy act and he got squashed - as he should have been. The booking of this match was well-executed.
GFTG10 Unlike WWE, AIW routinely delivers entertaining 30-man battle royals. Fontaine, Storm and Del Bruno were three good wrestlers to start things. The Ethan Page/Eddie Kingston feud was advanced, the Johnny Gargano/Josh Prohibition/Raymond Rowe feud was advanced, BJ Whitmer appears to be starting a singles push, looks like Davey Vega and Chris Sabin have a score to settle and looks like Gregory Iron and Joshua Singh are going to have some issues. Facade, a former GFTG winner, made his first appearance in AIW since Conspiracy Theory in 2013. AIW always uses spring time to mega push someone (2012 Eric Ryan, 2013 Colin Delaney, 2014 Tim Donst) and 2015 appears to be Rickey Shane Page.
AIW referees There I said it. This might be a first. Generally I don't like how AIW referees are portrayed. Tonight however I liked the booking.
Referee Jake Clemons took a ref bump during the Rowe/Gargano match and had to be helped to the lockerroom afterward and he never returned. Then during the battle royal, there was enough commotion ringside occupying the two remaining referees to allow a heel to illegally re-enter the match.
Could AIW done the same thing with all three referees occupied by the Duke distraction? Probably. However, this point gets a hit because AIW took things a step further and showed some attention to detail.
Lack of Energy The crowd didn't really get into the action until after the intermission. Part of it was the card. The opening bout was described above. The 2nd match had two very green female wrestlers who hugged afterward. The tag team title match had a heel team featuring Jimmy Jacobs who cut a babyface promo afterward and might make his final AIW appearance. The 4th match had a female wrestler who appeared to suffer a serious head injury on the floor. Not even the Tim Donst salute received much of a reaction.
It was tough night to generate heat.
I think the fans were in to the Donst salute, it just took them awhile to pick up on what was going on and were kind of caught off guard by it at first. I got a "miss" for ya... how can referee's Tom Dunn and Dave Dawson call what they don't see.... they did not SEE Ethan Page go over the top rope so how can they rule he exited the ring that way, by asking the Duke? I know that was part of the show but if this was a real sport (please oh please don't take that as me saying wrestling is fake, I know these guys get hurt and bust their asses) then those two would be fined and suspended over such an incorrect call. My own take on the lack of crowd enthusiasm is two things, I think first of all their is to much respect given to the wrestlers where fans don't want to boo anything including heel tactics (which should be booed). The fans need to learn to suspend reality for a few hours, forget about talking to Joe Blow Heel at the merch table earlier and buy into things a little more while at the same time it's up to the company to produce stronger characters and stories for the crowd to get behind. My 2nd point is from a personal level it's hard to get me to go crazy at a show at this point. I love the shows, have a great time, but after 5 years I feel like I've seen it all, it's not fresh to me anymore, and that's now AIW's fault, it's just natural to feel that way, it will never be "new" to me again like when I first started going to the shows and that saddens me, I'm not sure how much of the crowd is in that same boat with me, I think quite a few but surely not all, but that's my own take on things, in the end though I still love the shows.