$25 Jeff LeGates - Last Man Standing
$5 Darrin Goats - First to lose a wrestler
$5 Darrin Goats - First to lose all three wrestlers
$5 Kevin Kowel - Wrestler #13
$0 No one - Wrestler who eliminated Wrestler #13
The Match
Dolph Ziggler (Stella Mismas) was nearly eliminated 45 seconds into the match, but he only teased going over the top rope via
Chris Jericho (Karen Daugherty).
Cody Rhodes
(Emil Girod) then came out third selling a neck injury from the Tag
Title match moments ago. Jericho teased the Walls of Jericho early on,
then #4 came out as
Kofi Kingston
(Karen Daugherty). Kofi, dressed in West Virginia's alternative uniform
colors, dazzled everyone early on, then tried to toss Ziggler, but
Ziggler held on. All four men stayed in leading to the next entry.
Out as #5 was
Santino Marella
(Darrin Goats). Santino marched to the ring, survived one second, and
remained in the match to try to eliminate people, but everyone held on.
Santino then found himself alone mid-ring, pulled out The Cobra, and
struck Kofi. Jericho stopped the Cobra, then Ziggler popped him with a
Superkick. Rhodes followed by dumping
Santino over the top rope for the
first elimination -
Darrin Goats (b)