This is the biggest show on the AIW calendar. The main event was AIW Absolute Champion Ethan Page defending the title against 2016 JT Lightning Invitational Tournament winner Josh Alexander and 2016 Gauntlet for Gold winner Josh Prohibition.
- DJ Zema Ion, Laredo Kid and Matt Cross (filling in for Banderlero) defeated Skayde Jr., Steve Pain (AIW debut) and Gringo Loko when Cross pinned Pain after landing the Shooting Star Press in a Lucha Trios match.
- Tim Donst pinned Raymond Rowe after hitting the Donstitution (Olympic slam from the top rope).
Up next was Frankie Flynn and a mystery co-star challenging B.J. Whitmer and The Duke. Eddie Kingston is revealed to be the mystery co-star which led to …
- Eddie Kingston and Frankie Flynn defeated The Duke and BJ Whitmer when Kingston pinned The Duke.
Afterward, Kingston complemented Flynn and gave the newcomer advice in his wrestling career.
- AIW Intense Champion Alex Daniels (with Gregory Iron and Veda Scott) defeated Cedric Alexander, Facade and AIW Superstar JERRY. Ray Lyn came to ringside to distract the referee appearing to help Jerry only to allow Daniels to hit Jerry with the title belt and scoring the pin.
Afterward, Jerry thanked the fans and announced his retirement from wrestling.