SPOILER ALERT: Results from last night's
@PRIMEwrestling TV taping event at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Cleveland Ohio -
all wrestling blog posts.
- Television Champion Facade pinned Bobby Shields. During the match, Nicky Valentino left his fanny pack containing a foreign object in the corner. Shields opened the fanny pack and realized the foreign object was missing. Bobby Beverly appeared on the stage with the foreign object. The distraction allowed Facade to hit his finisher to retain the title.
- The Megalomaniacs (Marion Fontaine, Jeremy Madrox and Rickey Shane Page) defeated Bryan Castle, Edric Everhart and ??? when Page pinned Everhart after hitting a swinging elbow to the head.
- The Handicapped Handguns (Gregory Iron and Zach Gowen) defeated PRIME tag team champions Dead Wrestling Society (Krimson and Kirst) to win the titles when Iron pinned Kirst after hitting a sunset flip powerbomb off the top rope. During the match, Krimson taunted Johnny Gargano, who was at ringside doing commentary, causing him to chase Krimson to the lockerroom and leaving Kirst to fend for himself.
Johnny Gargano and Matt Cross square off in the
PRIME wrestling main event. |
Johnny Gargano brings Kayden Reinke up on stage
while Matt Cross (far left), Matthew Justince
(blue shirt) and Facade (green shirt) look on. |
- Louis Lyndon pinned Gory after hitting a Dragon Suplex.
- Bryan Castle pinned Nicky Valentino after hitting a running cross bodyblock.
- Benjamin Boone (with "Amazing" N8 Mattson) defeated Edric Everhart via submission.
- Bobby Shields beat Bobby Beverly by disqualification. During the match, Nicky Valentino left his fanny pack containing a foreign object in the corner. When Beverly intercepted the foreign object, Shields fell backward hard on the mat pretending to be knocked out while referree Jake Clemons was distracted. When Clemons turned around and saw Beverly holding the foregin object and Shields on the mat, he called for the bell.
- "Amazing" N8 Mattson (with Benjamin Boone) pinned Kid Hybrid.
- PRIME Champion Johnny Gargano pinned M-Dogg 20 Matt Cross after hitting the Uniquely You (Full nelson lifted and spun into a reverse STO) finisher several times.
After the match, Gargano and Cross gave props to the crowd and each other until the Megalomaniacs (Marion Fontaine, Jeremy Madrox and Rickey Shane Page) attacked Cross and the Dead Wrestling Society (Krimson, Gory and Kirst) attacked Gargano. Greg Iron and Matthew Justice made the save.
Gargano then invited a young fan, Kayden Reinke, to enter the ring. The boy suffers from a blood disorder and idolizes Gargano. After laying down and allowing Cayden to "pin" Gargano, he let the boy hold his championship belt and held him up on his shoulders.
"Finale 2012" TV Taping
Dec. 7, 2012 at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Cleveland Ohio
- Jason Gory defeated Louis Lyndon
- Jay Flash beat Kid Hybrid. After the match, Rhino came out and gored both men.
- Handicapped Handguns (Greg Iron and Zack Gowen with Special Valet Jill Dials) defeated the Sons of Michigan (Benjamin Boone and Nate Mattison). Sons of Michigan appeared to win the match until Dials informs referee Tom Dunn to check Mattison. After Dunn found Mattison’s foreign object, the match was restarted.
- Matt Mason beat Bobby Shields
- Rickey Shane Page defeated Aiden Veil
Nate Mattison came out and taunted the crowd.
- Krimson (with Kirst) beat Greg Iron (with Zack Gowen)
- Matt Cross defeated Kirst. Afterward, Kirst attacks Cross and attempts a powerbomb. Greg Iron made the save which prompted Marion Fontaine, Jeremy Madrox, Rickey Shane Page and Vic Traviligante to beat down both Cross and Iron.
- The Megalomaniacs (Marion Fontaine and Jeremy Madrox) beat Bryan Castle and Jay Flash
- PRIME Wrestling Champion Johnny Gargano defeated Jason Gory
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