$25 Eric Everett - Last Man Standing (a)$5 Jack Newell - First to lose a wrestler (b)
$5 George McBride - First to lose all three wrestlers (c)
$5 Scott Mantz - Wrestler #13 (d)
$0 No one - Wrestler who eliminated Wrestler #13 (e)
The Match
Dolph Ziggler (Janet Girod) was nearly eliminated 45 seconds into the match, but he only teased going over the top rope via Chris Jericho (Jerry Stepnicka). Cody Rhodes (Janet Girod) then came out third selling a neck injury from the Tag Title match moments ago. Jericho teased the Walls of Jericho early on, then #4 came out as Kofi Kingston (Janet Girod). Kofi, dressed in West Virginia's alternative uniform colors, dazzled everyone early on, then tried to toss Ziggler, but Ziggler held on. All four men stayed in leading to the next entry.Out as #5 was Santino Marella (Jack Newell). Santino marched to the ring, survived one second, and remained in the match to try to eliminate people, but everyone held on. Santino then found himself alone mid-ring, pulled out The Cobra, and struck Kofi. Jericho stopped the Cobra, then Ziggler popped him with a Superkick. Rhodes followed by dumping Santino over the top rope for the first elimination - Jack Newell (b)
Time for #6, which was 3MB member Drew McIntyre (George McBride). McIntyre contributed to a three-man elimination tease, but no one was eliminated during this interval. Included was a near-elimination of Jericho, who struggled to skin the cat back into the ring. #7 was Titus O'Neil (George McBride), who ran over folks in the ring. Titus then did the Millions of Dollars dance into suplexing Kofi. Jericho then eliminated McIntyre (McBride) via dropkick over the top rope.
Out at #8 was...Goldust (George McBride). WWE cut to a shot of Cody Rhodes shaking his head. Cody then dropped down to the mat and, fired up more so than perhaps he's ever looked, told his brother to come bring it. Goldust hit the ring and the two brothers went at it. Ziggler interrupted the Harbaugh Bowl moment before they knocked down Ziggler and resumed the fight.
David Otunga was out next as #9 (Marc Iacianci). Otunga, sporting a big shiner under his right eye, hit the ring and back-elbowed Goldust. The crowd continued to chant for Goldust, then Goldust and Rhodes double-teamed Titus. They tried to eliminate Titus, then Cody turned the tables and tried to cut Goldust, but Goldust avoided his brother's sneaky attacks.
More 3MB music to bring out Heath Slater at #10 (Jerry Stepnicka). Nothing of note here except for JBL slipping in a Beyoncé lip-synching reference. Sheamus then entered at #11 (Mike LeGates). Sheamus cleaned house, then nearly eliminated Titus. Titus held on, so Sheamus delivered Ten Forearms to the chest. Sheamus then used Otunga to smash Titus off the ring apron for an elimination (McBride). Next, Sheamus Bicyle-kicked Otunga over the top rope (Iacianci).
Out next at #12 was Tensai (Jack Newell) to no reaction. Poor guy even stumbled entering the ring. Everyone ganged up on Tensai, but Tensai held on and avoided elimination. Brodus Clay was then introduced at #13. Scott Mantz (d). Brodus danced with Cameron and Naomi, then took his time removing his ring gear before hitting the Rumble match. Clay and Tensai picked up a battle, then Cody sent Goldust across the ring with a hip-toss. Cody did Goldust's trademark pose, then the brothers battled on the ring apron. Cole slipped and called him Dustin, then Rhodes eliminated his brother Goldust off the ring apron George McBride (c). The crowd booed as Rhodes smirked.
Out at #14 was Rey Mysterio (Scott Mantz), who was returning after missing several weeks. Rey, wearing a trucker-looking singlet, Dropped the Dime on Jericho before Rhodes targeted him. No eliminations as the wrestlers battled around the ring.
Getting the Rumble half-way through was Darren Young at #15 (George Zilka). D-Young then helped a group of five men eliminate Brodus Clay (Mantz). (e) Kingston then eliminated Tensai off the ring apron (Newell). Kofi was nearly eliminated by Ziggler, but Kofi fell onto Tensai's back and landed on the announce table. So, Kofi was not eliminated because his feet didn't hit the floor. Kofi tried to figure out what to do, and took JBL's chair from him.
Meanwhile, Bo Dallas from NXT entered at #16 (Bela LeGates). Kofi then hopped across the ringside area in JBL's office chair, made it to the ring apron, and survived. He then dumped D-Young (Zilka) over the top rope upon re-entering the ring. But, all that effort by Kofi went to naught when Rhodes promptly kicked him off the ring apron to the floor (Girod).
Out at #17 was The Godfather (Bela LeGates). Break Time in the ring as Godfather took forever entering the ring. Once Godfather finally entered the ring, Ziggler dropkicked him. Godfather hung on the ropes for a while, so it was about a three-second elimination before he hit the ring. Godfather's music continued to play, and he promptly took his ring gear, valets, and left (B. LeGates).
After that interval, Wade Barrett entered at #18 (George Zilka). Barrett and Jericho tried to eliminate Sheamus, but Sheamus held on. Rhodes then nearly eliminated Rey, but everyone stayed safe. Out at #19 was John Cena (Eric Everett). A lot of booing mixed with cheers. Everyone in the ring stopped and looked toward the stage as Cena removed his ring gear and hit the ring. Mad scramble center-ring as everyone ganged up on Cena to give Cena the big star treatment. Cena then grabbed Slater and chucked him clear over the top rope (Stepnicka). Rhodes's night ended with Cena eliminating him next (Girod). Bo Dallas then got himself a piece of Cena, keeping him occupied in the corner for a big spotlight moment.
Damien Sandow entered at #20 (Mike LeGates) and went right after Dallas. Meanwhile, Barrett eliminated Mysterio to end Rey's return (Mantz). On the other side of the ring, Jericho teased the Walls of Jericho on his old nemesis, Cena. Out at #21 was Daniel Bryan (Jack Newell), whose number seems inconsistent with the Kane promo exchange earlier. Bryan entered the ring and promptly No! Kicked everyone in sight as the crowd chanted along. Big spotlight for Bryan here. The crowd applauded as Bryan stood center-ring surveying his work. Bryan tried to eliminate Jericho, Sheamus helped, and Jericho...hung on.
Time for #22, who was Antonio Cesaro (Scott Mantz). Cesaro marched to the ring and kneed Barrett in the back. Cesaro then Euro-cutted Bryan and Sheamus. The crowd picked up another dueling pro and anti-Cena chant as men battled in the ring. Time for #23, which was given to Great Khali (Bela LeGates). Running out of time and space here 35 minutes into the Rumble. Poor guy could barely make it to the ring. Khali chopped folks and barely managed to walk around inside the ring. Things came to a crawl before #24 was introduced as Kane (George Zilka).
Kane promptly entered the ring and went after Ziggler as Cole rattled off Kane's Rumble resume. Ziggler survived another near-elimination as the wrestlers looked for space to operate and set up elimination teases. Time for #25, which was Zack Ryder (Jerry Stepnicka). Ryder tried to eliminate Ziggler, then Kane cut Khali (B. LeGates) and Bryan promptly eliminated his partner, Kane (Zilka). Suddenly, Bryan fell over the top rope and landed in Kane's arms. Kane debated whether to help Bryan not get eliminated, then he decided to open his arms and drop Bryan on the floor, eliminating him (Newell).
Time to get real with Randy Orton at #26 (Eric Everett). Orton destroyed everyone, then Orton decided to end Ryder's night (Stepnicka). Out at #27 was Jinder Mahal (Eric Everett), the last member of 3MB. As Mahal tried to feel his way out, Cena dumped Cesaro over the top rope to the floor for another elimination (Mantz). Over 40 minutes for both Ziggler and Jericho at this point.
Out at #28 was The Miz (Marc Iacianci). Miz didn't even get in the match, as he attacked Cesaro when their paths crossed. Cole said Miz injured his ankle on the pre-show, then Miz hobbled to the ring. Meanwhile, Sheamus eliminated Jinder Mahal (Everett). Bo Dallas still in here, by the way. Time for #29, which was Sin Cara (Marc Iacianci) also returning from injury. Not much reaction for Cara, who kicked Miz and Ziggler in the head upon entering the match. Suddenly, Dallas eliminated Barrett (Zilka), shocking Barrett and the announcers. Lawler said Bo picked the wrong man to eliminate. Barrett then broke the rules by eliminating Bo (B. LeGates) by yanking him over the top rope.
Time for the final entrant. At #30 was checking in at the 46:00 mark was Ryback (Mike LeGates). The field is complete with one major surprise return (Jericho), a few nostalgia returns (Goldust and Godfather), but no real shocker from the main roster. Ryback promptly eliminated Sandow (M. LeGates), then Sin Cara (Iacianci), then Miz (Iacianci).
Down to six wrestlers. Jericho and Ziggler resumed their battle, then Ziggler superkicked Jericho off the apron (Stepnicka). Down to five men now. Orton RKO'ed Ziggler, then Cena. No eliminations, though. Then, an RKO to Sheamus. Orton DDT'ed Ryback, then stood tall center-ring with all four other men down on the mat. Ryback then clotheslined Orton over the top rope (Everett).
Final Four - Cena, Ryback, Sheamus, and Ziggler.
Sheamus then Brogue-Kicked Ziggler off the ring apron, ending Ziggler's night at 49:46 (J. Girod). So, it's down to three - Sheamus, Cena, and Ryback. Sheamus and Cena tackled Ryback, then suplexed him. They glanced at the WM29 sign, then battled mid-ring as Ryback recovered in the corner. Cena delivered signature offense, then Ryback ran him over with a massive clothesline. Ryback scooped up Sheamus and wanted Shell-Shock, but Sheamus blocked and delivered White Noise.
Still at three men 52 minutes in. Sheamus measured Ryback for the Brogue Kick, but Ryback lifted him in the air and dumped him over the top rope to the floor (M. LeGates). So, it's Ryback and Cena. Cole said Cena told Ryback months ago that it's Ryback's time, but JBL says that's not the case tonight. Ryback and Cena came face-to-face and Ryback led a "Feed Me More!" chant in Cena's face. Cena answered with You Can't See Me, then Ryback ate him up with a spinebuster.
Ryback wanted the Meathook clothesline, but Cena intercepted with an STF. Cena locked it in to wear down Ryback as the crowd picked up a loud dueling chant. Ryback faded out, but Cena couldn't lift up the dead weight. Cena finally got Ryback to the top turnbuckle, but Ryback smashed him with right hands. Ryback then Thesz-Pressed Cena (awkwardly) before bashing Cena's head into the mat. Ryback then tried to grapple Cena and drag him over the top rope, but Cena reversed and whipped Ryback over the top rope, giving Cena the win (M. LeGates).
Post-match, Cena sold shock and processed the moment before fireworks shot off in the arena. Cena looked toward the WM29 sign hanging in the arena and pointed, letting everyone know he's going to WrestleMania. Cena celebrated on the way out, then told the ringside cameraman that he's going to WrestleMania on April 7.
WINNER: John Cena at 55:18. Eric Everett (a)
1 | Janet Girod | Dolph Ziggler | Santino Marella (Newell) (b) by Cody Rhodes (Girod) at 6:05 |
2 | Jerry Stepnicka | Chris Jericho | Drew McIntytre (McBride) by Chris Jericho (Stepnicka) at 9:25 |
3 | Janet Girod | Cody Rhodes | Titus O’Neil (McBride) by Sheamus (M. LeGates) at 15:55 |
4 | Janet Girod | Kofi Kingston | David Otunga (Iacianci) by Sheamus (M. LeGates) at 16:15 |
5 | Jack Newell | Santino Marella | Goldust (McBrdie) (c) by Cody Rhodes (Girod) at 19:45 |
6 | George McBride | Drew McIntyre | Brodus Clay (Mantz) by multiple people at 21:56 (e) |
7 | George McBride | Titus O'Neil | Lord Tensai (Newell) by Kofi Kingston (Girod) at 24:35 |
8 | George McBride | Goldust | Darren Young (Zilka) by Kofi Kingston (Girod) at 24:35 |
9 | Marc Iacianci | David Otunga | Kofi Kingston (Girod) by Cody Rhodes (Girod) at 24:40 |
10 | Jerry Stepnicka | Heath Slater | The Godfather (B. LeGates) by Dolph Ziggler (Girod) at 26:00 |
11 | Mike LeGates | Sheamus | Heath Slater (Stepnicka) by John Cena (Everett) at 29:12 |
12 | Jack Newell | Lord Tensai | Cody Rhodes (Girod) by John Cena (Everett) at 29:18 |
13 | Scott Mantz (d) | Brodus Clay | Rey Mysterio (Mantz) by Wade Barrett (Zilka) at 30:46 |
14 | Scott Mantz | Rey Mysterio | The Great Khali (B. LeGates) by Kane (Zilka) at 37:50 |
15 | George Zilka | Darren Young | Kane (Zilka) by Daniel Bryan (Newell) at 37:55 |
16 | Bela LeGates | Bo Dallas | Daniel Bryan (he landed on Kane on the outside, Kane dropped him) at 38:34 |
17 | Bela LeGates | The Godfather | Zack Ryder (Stepnicka) by Randy Orton (Everett) at 40:10 |
18 | George Zilka | Wade Barrett | Antonio Cesaro (Mantz) by John Cena (Everett) at 40:55 |
19 | Eric Everett | John Cena | Jinder Mahal (Everett) by Sheamus (M. LeGates) at 42:42 |
20 | Mike LeGates | Damien Sandow | Wade Barrett (Zilka) by Bo Dallas (B. LeGates) at 44:30 |
21 | Jack Newell | Daniel Bryan | Bo Dallas (B. LeGates) by Wade Barrett (Zilka), who was already eliminated, at 45:25 |
22 | Scott Mantz | Antonio Cesaro | Damien Sandow (M. LeGates) by Ryback (M. LeGates) at 46:30 |
23 | Bela LeGates | The Great Khali | Sin Cara (Iacianci) by Ryback (M. LeGates) at 46:55 |
24 | George Zilka | Kane | The Miz (Iacianci) by Ryback (M. LeGates) at 47:10 |
25 | Jerry Stepnicka | Zack Ryder | Chris Jericho (Stepnicka) by Dolph Ziggler (Girod) at 47:53 |
26 | Eric Everett | Randy Orton | Randy Orton (Everett) by Ryback (M. LeGates) at 49:20 |
27 | Eric Everett | Jinder Mahal | Dolph Ziggler (Girod) by Sheamus (M. LeGates) at 49:46 |
28 | Marc Iacianci | The Miz | Sheamus (M. LeGates) by Ryback (M. LeGates) at 52:25 |
29 | Marc Iacianci | Sin Cara | Ryback (M. LeGates) by John Cena (Everett) at 55:05 |
30 | Mike LeGates | Ryback | WINNER: John Cena (Eric Everett) (a) |
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