Prior to the wrestling show, there was a special appearance from WWE Hall of Famer Kevin Nash.
- Pre-show: Calvin Tankman won a fatal four-way match involving Levi Everett, Johnny Patch and Brayden Lee.
- Pre-show: The Young Studs (Eric Ryan and Bobby Beverly) defeated Arthur McArthur and Chuck Stone when Ryan pinned McArthur after hitting a Tiger bomb.
- 40 Acres (PB Smooth, AJ Gray and Tre Lamar) defeated Wheeler Yuta and Aeroform (Louis Lyndon and Flip Kendrick) when Gray pinned Lyndon after hitting a top rope legdrop.
- Allie Kat pinned Veda Scott after hitting a piledriver.
- Alex Shelley defeated Erick Stevens via border city stretch submission.
Afterward, Lee Moriarty challenged Shelley to a rematch at the AIW Baby It's 2 Cold Outside show on December 27 which was accepted.
- VSK (Very Serious Keith) pinned Dominic Garrini after hitting a low blow to win a fatal four-way match also involving Big Twan Tucker and CPA.
- The Production (Eddie Only and Derek Director) defeated To Infinity and Beyond (Colin Delaney and Cheech) when both Only and Director both pinned Delaney after Only hit the flip coast to coast dropkick.
- Eddie Kingston pinned KTB after two back fists of the future and a saito suplex.
- Nick Gage pinned Mance Warner after a piledriver on a door on the ramp in a Hell On Earth rules match (No disqualification, falls count anywhere).
- AIW Intense Champion Matthew Justice (with Bill Alfonso) beat Zach Thomas after hitting him with a football helmet.
- AIW Tag Team Champions The Philly Marino Experience (Philly Collins and Marino Tenaglia) defeated The Bit Coin Boyz (Mikey Montgomery and Eric Taylor with The Duke) when Tenaglia pinned Montgomery after hitting the Sunset Dreams.
- Joshua Bishop (with Wes Barkley) defeated AIW Absolute Champion Filthy Tom Lawlor to win the title after Lawlor crashed into a steel chair set up in the corner leading to a rollup pinfall.
Afterward, Bill Alfonso emerged announcing Matthew Justice will cash in his JLIT championship opportunity which led to ...
- AIW Intense Champion Matthew Justice (with Bill Alfonso) beat AIW Absolute Champion Joshua Bishop to win the title after hitting the Death Valley Driver on a chair.
AIW Absolute Champions
1 The Thrillbilly 7/21/2005 It's On Again! 2 Lou Marconi 11/13/2005 #HOE1 3 Vincent Nothing 2/26/2006 Night of Mystery 4 Michael Hutter
aka Ethan Carter III5/28/2006 #ABSO1 5 Raymond Rowe 12/17/2006 GFTG2 6 Steve Corino 5/20/2007 #ABSO2 7 Sterling James Keenan
aka Corey Graves2/24/2008 GFTG3 8 Drake Younger 2/26/2009 March for the Gold 2 9 Jimmy DeMarco 6/12/2009 #ABSO4 10 Johnny Gargano 6/27/2010 #ABSO5 11 Shiima Xion aka DJZ 6/26/2011 #ABSO6 12 Eric Ryan 5/12/2012 The JT Lightning
Invitational Tournament13 Tim Donst 7/1/2012 #ABSO7 14 Eric Ryan 12/21/2012 The End of the World 15 Colin Delaney 6/30/2013 #ABSO8 16 Ethan Page 6/30/2013 #ABSO8 17 Ultramantis Black 11/1/2013 Double Dare
Tag Team Tournament18 Ethan Page 12/27/2013 Dead Presidents 19 Michael Elgin 12/27/2013 Dead Presidents 20 Tim Donst 9/7/2014 WrestleRager 2014
Night 321 Josh Alexander 2/20/2015 I Choo-Choo-Choose You 22 Rickey Shane Page 7/10/2015 #ABSO10 23 Ethan Page 11/27/2015 #HOE11 24 Josh Prohibition 7/22/2016 #ABSO11 25 Tim Donst 3/24/2017 #GFTG12 26 Nick Gage 11/24/2017 #HOE13 27 "Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams 7/28/2018 #ABSO13 28 PB Smooth 2/23/2019 Hail to the King Baby 29 "Filthy" Tom Lawlor 4/4/2019 The Slumber Party Massacre 30 Joshua Bishop 11/29/2019 #HOEXV 31 Matthew Justice 11/29/2019 #HOEXV

Alex Shelley / Erick Stevens I haven't been to many AIW shows this year so I don't have a feel for who is getting pushed and who isn't. This was the match of the night: both guys are clearly veterans, told a good story and the near falls were believable. Even Kevin Nash applauded both men when the match was over.
Matthew Justice wins, part 1 The finish of this match was Justice's manager Bill Alfonso putting on a Myles Garrett Cleveland Browns jersey and showing a Pittsburgh Steelers helmet. Justice took the helmet and clunked his opponent Zach Thomas in the head leading to the victory as a reference to Garrett striking Steelers QB Mason Rudolph in the head with his own helmet during a recent NFL game. Leave it to AIW to incorporate this incident to a match finish.
Matthew Justice wins, part 2 I'm expecting Tom Lawlor's other bookings is limiting his availability for AIW events so getting the title off him makes sense. Bishop is an AIW home-grown talent so I would understand putting the top championship title on him so this JLIT cash-in was unexpected. Given how Bishop and Lawlor ended, this was a welcomed surprise. Matthew Justice has a been a standout at AIW shows for a while so most are happy he now owns both AIW Absolute and Intense championships. I'm now interested to see how AIW books Justice with both titles. Plus, we get to hear Pantera again to finish the night.
Bill Alfonso How about 62-year old Alfonso jumping around the ring like it's 1996. When you look at 60-year old Kevin Nash having a hard time walking around the venue and then see Alfonso is doing what is doing, it really makes you appreciate the energy, effort and attitude he puts into his role. Plus, ......
Show closing Part of the why I loved ECW shows in the 90's was how long they would play popular wrestler theme songs. It was not uncommon to hear the full length version of Alice in Chains "Man in the Box" (Tommy Dreamer), Metallica "Enter Sandman" (The Sandman) and Pantera "Walk" (Rob Van Dam, managed by Bill Alfonso). With Alfonso making appearances in AIW, he bought "Walk" with him. Now when Justice wins, they play "Walk", the crowd participates and it's a great time.
Brookpark Rec Center I love this venue. It's close, good neighborhood, plenty of parking, near freeways, bleachers and plenty of room. Let's hope AIW has more events here.
Joshua Bishop winning the title over Lawlor This match was a mess, hated it. This reminds me of Bishop's win at GFTG14 earlier this year. I get it Bishop and Barkley are heels and they're supposed to cheat but this was too much. Wes Barkley was initially told to go to the back but later returned and interfered. Bishop tried on several attempts to handcuff Lawlor's hands together and the cuffs would not lock. When that didn't work, they went to the rollup finish. Just a cheap title change. If it wasn't for Justice and Alfonso coming out, this would have been a crappy way to end the show.
Tom Dunn This was the referee for the Bishop/Lawlor match. He tried to act like an official when he ejected Wes Barkley from ringside at the beginning only for him to return. Somewhere along the way the match must have become a No Disqualification because Bishop introduced the handcuffs, tried locking them on Lawlor's hands and Dunn just stood there and watched him. Even if the match was no DQ, how could an official just stand there and watch a wrestler get a clear unfair advantage? Did Bishop try to manipulate the referee while this was going on? No. Did Barkley who had already returned try to distract the official while Bishop applied the handcuffs? No. Should Bishop have asked Dunn for help applying the handcuffs? probably. Another instance where an AIW official is booked to look poorly.
AIW: 200th Show
11/2/2019 Akron, Ohio results courtesy of @WrestlingCheers

- CPA pinned Wes Barkley after hitting a face breaker.
- VSK (Very Serious Keith) pinned Danhausen AD
- Zach Thomas pinned Wheeler Yuta
- Alex Shelley defeated Lee Moriarity via Border City Stretch submission.
- The Bit Coin Boyz (Mikey Montgomery and Eric Taylor with The Duke) won a fatal four-way tag team match involving To Infinity and Beyond (Colin Delaney & Cheech), Bear Country (Bear Beefcake & Bear Bronson) and 40 Acres (PB Smooth and AJ Gray).
Afterward, The Duke gets into it with WWE Hall of Famer Ted Dibiase who gives him a Russian Leg Sweep while holding the Duke in the Million Dollar Dream sleeper.
- Big Twan Tucker pinned 1 Called Manders after hitting a spear.
- AIW Tag Team Champions The Philly Marino Experience (Philly Collins and Marino Tenaglia) defeated Dr. Daniel C. Rockingham and Parker Pierce.
- AIW Intense Champion Matthew Justice (with Bill Alfonso) beat Erick Stevens
- Eddie Kingston pinned Tre Lamar
- Joshua Bishop (with Wes Barkley) pinned Nick Gage

AIW: Bad Boy For Life
9/26/2019 Cleveland, Ohio results courtesy of @WrestlingCheers

- TKD pinned Ryder Reid after hitting a spinning back kick.
- The Production (Eddy Only and Derek Director) defeated Chuck Stone & Mausoleum izere Mhepo after an Alabama slam into turnbuckles.
- Tre Lamar pinned Lee Moriarity after hitting a snapmare driver.
- Zach Thomas pinned KTB after hitting the Soul Bomb.
- Dr. Daniel C. Rockingham and Parker Pierce defeated The Weird World (Worldwide Alex Kellar and Weird Body Evan Adams) after hitting a Northern Lariat.
- Alex Shelley beat Bad Boy Joey Janela with the border city stretch submission.
- PB Smooth pinned Danhausen after hitting a full nelson facebuster.
- AIW Tag Team Champions The Philly Marino Experience (Philly Collins and Marino Tenaglia) and Allie Kat defeated The Duke & The Bit Coin Boys (Mikey Montgomery and Eric Taylor) after hitting a double Sunset Dreams (flapjack, flatliner).
- 1 Called Manders beat Big Twan Tucker after hitting a lariat.
- Joshua Bishop pinned Dominic Garrini after hitting a chokeslam onto an inverse chair bridge.
- AIW Intense Champion Matthew Justice (with Bill Alfonso) defeated Eric Ryan via MK ultra through a bundle of light tubes.
AIW: Bobblehead Night
9/20/2019 Cleveland, Ohio results courtesy of @WrestlingCheers

- Preshow: CPA beat TKD after hitting a stunner.
- The Bit Coin Boys (Mikey Montgomery and Eric Taylor with The Duke) won a fatal four-way tag team match involving The Production (Eddy Only and Derek Director), Aeroform (Louis Lyndon and Flip Kendrick) and 40 acres (AJ Gray and Tre LaMar) after a rollup.
- Alex Shelley beat Dominic Garrini with the border city stretch submission.
- Big Twan Tucker and D-Lo Brown defeated Parker Pierce and Dr. Daniel C. Rockingham after Tucker hit a spear.
- Erick Stevens won a fatal four-way over Zach Thomas, Wheeler Yuta and Lee Moriarty after hitting the end of heartache.
- Mercedes Martinez beat Britt Baker after a fisherman buster.
- Nick Gage pinned Wes Barkley after a piledriver onto tacks.
- AIW Tag Team Champions The Philly Marino Experience (Philly Collins and Marino Tenaglia) defeated To Infinity and Beyond (Colin Delaney and Cheech) after hitting a super Sunset Dreams (flapjack, flatliner).
- AIW Intense Champion Matthew Justice defeated Mance Warner via MK Ultra on a stack of tables.
- AIW Absolute Champion Filthy Tom Lawlor defeated KTB via triangle choke submission.
Afterward, Joshua Bishop attacked Lawlor who held him off until Wes Barkley came to help. Eventually, Bishop challenged Lawlor to an Absolute championship match at Hell On Earth 15.
AIW: Wrestler Rager 4: Quote the Raven Nevermore
8/24/2019 Cleveland, Ohio results courtesy of @WrestlingCheers

- Dr. Daniel C. Rockingham (with Parker Pierce) pinned CPA after hitting positive affirmation.
- Chuck Stone won a fatal four-way match over TKD, Arthur McArthur and Bobby Beverly after an air raid crash on a Barbed-Wire McDonalds Burger.
- The Production (Eddy Only and Derek Director) defeated Faye Jackson and Allie Kat (substituting for Super Oprah) when both Only and Director pinned Kat after Only hit a flip coast to coast.
- Parker Pierce (with Dr. Daniel C. Rockingham) defeated Big Twan Tucker after Dr. Dan interfered.
Afterward, Tucker challenged both Pierce and Dr. Dan at the next AIW show and announced his partner will be D-Lo Brown.
- Raven and Weird World (Worldwide Alex Kellar and Weird Body Evan Adams) defeated The Duke & The Bit Coin Boys (Mikey Montgomery and Eric Taylor) after hitting a double team DDT.
- AIW Tag Team Champions The Philly Marino Experience (Philly Collins and Marino Tenaglia) beat The Butcher and The Blade (Andy Williams and Pepper Parks) after hitting the Sunset Dreams (flapjack, flatliner).
- Mance Warner pinned Zach Thomas after hitting a lariat.
- AIW Intense Champion Matthew Justice (with Bill Alfonso) defeated Dominic Garrini and Wheeler Yuta after hitting a diving elbow onto chairs.
- Nick Gage & AIW Absolute Champion Filthy Tom Lawlor defeated the Rip City Shooters (Joshua Bishop & Maserati Wes Barkley) after a master blaster on a bottle cap board.
AIW: Absolution 2019
8/2/2019 Cleveland, Ohio

MJF (Maxwell Jacob Friedman) came out to cut a promo. He said if he lost tonight,he would never wrestle in AIW again which led to …
- Big Twan Tucker pinned MJF after hitting a spear. Afterward, MJF said good-bye and would miss no one.
- The Production (Danhausen, Eddy Only and Derek Director) defeated 40 Acres (PB Smooth, AJ Gray and Tre LaMar) when Only pinned LaMar after a cradle piledriver.
- Mance Warner pinned Jock Samson (with The Duke) in a Bunkhouse Stampede match after a DDT from the top rope on the Duke and several tables and chairs.
Swoggle came out and said his opponent Bad Boy Joey Janela had several cancelled flights and was unable to appear. Jay-Z’s 99 Problems plays and out comes AIW owner, "The Passion" John Thorne which led to …..
- Swoggle beat John Thorne after a spinebuster on a crate and bunch of logos.
- Dominic Garrini defeated Tim Donst in a Submit or Surrender match when Garrini threatened Donst with skewers. Afterward, Garrini stabbed Donst anyway and gave him a piledriver through a table.
- Wheeler Yuta pinned KTB with a victory roll to win a fatal four-way match also involving Louis Lyndon and Lee Moriarty.
The Duke came out and introduced his new tag team of Mikey Montgomery and Eric Taylor, the Bit Coin Boys. Out came Bunkhouse Buck who then beat down the three members of #DukeMoney.
- Nick Gage pinned Zach Thomas after hitting a piledriver into a crate of barbed wire.
- The Philly Marino Experience (Philly Collins and Marino Tenaglia) beat To Infinity and Beyond (Colin Delaney and Cheech) to win the titles when Tenaglia pinned Cheech after hitting the Sunset Dreams (flapjack, flatliner).
Up next was the AIW Intense Championship match. Out first was champion Joshua Bishop and Wes Barkley. Challenger Matthew Justice entered and brought with him former ECW manager Bill Alfonso which led to …
- Matthew Justice pinned AIW Intense Champion Joshua Bishop (with Maserati Wes Barkley) to win the title after hitting a Death Valley Driver onto a barbed wire board.
- AIW Absolute Champion Filthy Tom Lawlor defeated Eddie Kingston via fujiwara armbar submission.
Aftwerward, the Rip City Shooters (Joshua Bishop & Wes Barkley) attacked both Lawlor and Kingston posed with the AIW Absolute title to close the show.
AIW: Sekimoto Takes Cleveland
7/25/2019 Lakewood, Ohio results courtesy of @WrestlingCheers

- Big Twan Tucker pinned Ethan Page after hitting a spear.
- Parker Pierce beat CPA after a flip cup.
- Allie Kat pinned Super Oprah with a rollup.
- 40 Acres (PB Smooth and Tre LaMar) beat Weird World (Worldwide Alex Kellar and Weird Body Evan Adams) after a full nelson face buster.
- Lee Moriarity won a fatal four-way over Eric Ryan, Mikey Montgomery and Eric Taylor after hitting a taiga driver 19.
- Dr. Daniel C. Rockingham pinned Kikutaro with a rollup.
- The Philly Marino Experience (Marino Tenaglia & Philly Collins) beat Youthanazia (Josh Prohibition & MDogg20 Matt Cross).
- Sekimoto pinned KTB with a bridging german suplex.
- Tim Donst and the Rip City Shooters (AIW Intense Champion Joshua Bishop & Maserati Wes Barkley) defeated Nick Gage, Dominic Garrini and Matthew Justice when Zach Thomas hits Gage with a piece of a door.